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Norris Endless 2D Starter Kit

Norris Endless 2D Starter Kit is a starter game that is aimed to help you develop platform side scrolling games.


The following mechanics are implemented in this starter kit:










Multiple Cameras

Parallax Background Motion

Easy Endless System

Efficient World Eraser

Animation Events

Animator Tree

Multiple cameras that organize each module of the game: the gameplay, the parallax and UI sprites.

Each object that is considered a parallax object has its own motion speed in relation to the main object which is Norris, the main character.

The endless system works in a simple manner and it is very easy for developers to follow the code. That is the thing: only 3 piece of chunks needed. When player touchs a new chunk, one erases and other is generated. 

A gameobject called World store the three chunks of the game. The chunk deleted is always the first child of this object. 

The main character of the game needs animation events when tossing grenades or firing bullets because either a bullet or a grenade has to match the animation during execution. 

The Animator tree is built for developers to use or to replace later for their projects. 

     Using the new 4.6 UI feature now it's very easy to place UI elements in every resolution that the game is targeted to. 

4.6 New UI Feature

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